Saturday, February 25, 2023

Tuesday Evening Plates 3/14---5/16 every Tuesday for 10 weeks STILL ON DURING CONSTRUCTION

 Tuesday night plate league running for 10 weeks weather permitting.

Tuesday 3/14/22 weekly to 5/16/22 

Setup 3:30 with first shots by 4 running till 6 possibly later as interest requires.

Location: Back Pits 


     Centerfire - Five  8” plates @ 10yrds

     Rimfire - Five  6” plates @ 10yrds


      Members/Juniors(under 18) - $5 (or a card punch) = 3 trips

      Non members - $5 = 2 trips

      One Trip = Go to table prepared to shoot 3 runs.

 A run = a timed muzzle touching table start where you shoot at each of the five plates until they are hit, or your firearm is empty, whichever happens first. Time plus penalty(+5 seconds for each plate not neutralized)

All runs count for score after first shot fired. Restart will only be issued only if shooter did not fire after the timer beeps.

  1 warning for jumping the timer, after that your jumped run will be forfeit.

 Your best 2 of 3 runs count for score.

 Classes-all pistol calibers, NO MAGNUMS22LR ONLY for Rimfire

    CF Auto Irons

    CF Auto Optic

    CF Revolver

    CF revolver optic

    CF revolver single action only(may shoot DA pistol in SA operation)

    CF Carbine

    RF Irons

    RF Optic

    RF Carbine

    CF Carbine

 Eye and Ear Protection mandatory for all

Firearms must be bagged/cased when brought to the firing position.

 All semi-auto classes must be magazine fed- no tube fed/internal magazine rifles.

No magazine capacity limitations in any division.

We will track scores through the season and weekly results will be posted on blog with a running tally for each of the different classes. for any questions


Monday, February 13, 2023

York's March12th2023 multigunmatch

gers on March 12th. It will be 5-6 stages depending on participation and all 3 guns will be used.  We will be using slugs, rifle and shotgun slings, this match, and we do expect to use most of, if not all, of the 200 yards available on the rifle range.  The match fee will be $25 -$30 depending on the number of stages. 

The match day schedule is as follows: 

7:00 finish set up (help is always appreciated) 

8:00 registration begins 

8:30 registration ends (anyone arriving after 8:30 is a spectator) 

8:45 mandatory match briefing 

9:00 shooting begins 

The divisions are as follows:

3 Gun Tac Ops 

3 Gun Limited

3 Gun Open                                  

2 GunPistol/ Rifle

2 Gun Pistol/PCC

PCC only

Pistol Only

March FunShoot!

 So here we go!

On Saturday March 4th, we will be having our first event at York, our FunShoot! We welcome all shooters, regardless of skill or age, as long as you can safely handle your firearm.

We will start off this year with 5 or 6 stages of mostly falling steel, 20 or so targets each, a little accuracy stuff (think Brussel sprouts, and CRAYONS!!) and there will be a little optional movement available.

This is intended to be a casual, untimed event, with the emphasis of SAFELY dusting off the skills. No need to rush things.

The usual rules apply, pistols, PCC and shotgun. For this one, you may bring them all, but only one gun per stage. Long guns must be flagged, and handguns must be holstered or bagged when not on the line. 

Advanced registration helps us a lot, and this year we will be trying out Practiscore, (, search for York to see all of our activities) so you folks can squad yourselves. It does require creating an account...….sorry. 

For those of you not so inclined, shoot me a message here. 

And as always, we will never turn anyone away for not pre-registering.

So, sign in starts at 8 am, shooting by 9-ish. Fee is $20 per adult, $5 for juniors under 18. York hours cards will be honored.
