Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8/27 Long Gong Results


                                                50yrd   100 yrd      200 yrd        Total

  Greg Senf   Stock Bolt           6             2              DNF               8

  Allen Evler   Stock Bolt        0             18              15                 33

Derek Bowersox   SB              9            27              7                   43

Austin Shaw   Stock Bolt      19            27               15                 61

Jeff Patton      Open Auto       4             18              6                    28

Walt Shaw      Open Bolt       19            23               23                65

 Lou Levy      Open Bolt        23            27              23                 73

  Again we learned a lot today about how important it is to check your zero before shooting. We're learning stuff and having some fun along the way. Hope to see you out there next week 4PM till......

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

8.20 Long gong results


                                       Div        50yrd 100yrd  200 yrd      Total

 Derek Bowersox     Stock bolt    10          24         11            45

  Phil Dawson          Open SA       14         19          6             39

Allen Evler              Stock Bolt     5            5          13           23

Walt Shaw               Open Bolt      9            19        13           41

Craig Fowler           Open Bolt      8            18        18           46

Lou Levy                 Open Bolt     17           23        23           63

Jeff Patton               Open SA        12           14        13           39

 I think everyone learned a lot yesterday and will come back better prepared. I can t overstate enough the importance of a solid 50 yard zero and solid data at 100 and 200 yards. The rest is fundamentals and working the wind. I hope to see more of you guys out there for some laid back 22 fun on the bench,

Monday, August 5, 2024

22LR long gong games

 I'm going to start a tuesday evening 22 LR rifle game starting 8/20 and running 6-8 weeks depending on interest. I will be setting up at 4PM and running until we lose interest for that day. We are not closing the range for this so we will have to work around other shooters with occasional cease fires.

   The game is going to consist of  3 -10 round strings from the bench. $5 per entry

   One string at 50 yards 3 targets  1" 1/2" 1/4"

   One string at 100 yards 3 targets  4"  3"  2"

   One string at 200 yards 3 targets  8" 6" 4"

   Any semi auto or bolt gun is allowed. 

   Any rest, bags, bipods will be allowed.

  Largest target at each distance will be 1 point. middle target at each distance will be 2 points. Smallest target at each distance will be 3 points.

  Once you hit the largest target, you may move on to the next smallest target. Once the next target is hit, you may move on to smallest target. You may engage each target as long as you make an impact each time. Once you miss you must move back one smaller target unless its the largest target in that array. Maximum score for each distance will be 27pts assuming no misses and you advance to the smallest target on the first shot.

  I will be running 2 DOPE days on 8/6 and 8/13 to help some newer shooters figure out what it takes to hit targets at that distance. I will be at the club from 4-7ish on the rifle range for the 2 DOPE sessions and I will do my best to help get your rifles shooting. 

    Recommended equipment:

  Magnified optic capable of dialing and/or holdovers(reticle with subtensions) 

  Rifle with detachable magazine, bipod, 25/50 yrd zero, and same lot of ammo you zeroed with.

  Recommended ammo should shoot  1/2'-3/4" at 50 yrds, 2-2 1/2" at 100 yrds and 5" or less at 200 yrds.

  Bipod and rear bag are the easiest and most simple way to get this done. I will have some rear bags available to use on site if needed.

Most factory guns are capable of hitting these targets with a little ammo testing.

Recommended ammo: CCI std velocity is always a pretty good choice in most guns.

       Norma,Aguila,SK, Eley,Lapua are some brands off the top of my head. Usually, but not always, the price point will get you better accuracy. Every gun is different so there is no substitute for testing different ammo in your setup.

    broncolou@comcast.net for any questions.