Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sargent York shoot Canceled

We are canceling the match due to ridiculously cold weather forecast for January 14th.  We'll try again another day.

On Sunday, January 14th we will be hosting a Sargent York match.   This is rifle is for Modern Sporting Rifles (AR style) in .223/5.56 only.  It will be fired one shot at a time at 25 yards, from the unsupported off hand position (no sling use will be allowed).  The target will be a V shape on paper.  You will shoot against one other person each round, double elimination bracket style until we have a winner.  Whoever is closer to the center of the V without touching it moves on. This should be both fun and challenging.  Its simplicity makes it perfect for a cooler day.  Although it should be much warmer then that it has been the past few days.

Shooting will start at 10:00 am and will likely be over before noon.  We will have burn barrels going for warmth as needed.  There is virtually no advance set up required and no reason to be earlier than say 9:45.  Bring some $1 bills and we’ll shoot for cash prizes.  They will be small so there isn’t a lot of pressure.  There will be skill required, but some luck, and some strategy.

We do ask that you let us know if you plan on attending by emailing us at   This won’t be terribly binding but we would like to know whether we should expect 8 or 80 people. I know a lot of us are bored and ready to do something.  This winter thing is tough.

If you have questions don’t be afraid to ask.

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