Saturday, May 5, 2018

Falling Steel Results

Nice weather, good crowd, fast shooting, and well ahead of schedule.  I don't think it gets any better than that.  Many thanks to all who came out today.

We look forward to running another Falling Steel match in September.  Keep and eye open for details.  Expect 2 more stages and new and exciting division, and payouts.

Here are the final results.  Keep in mind not everyone wanted their scores posted, but here's what I do have:

Howard/Kirk Team PCC 40.03
Guilmette/Nace Team PCC 49.36
Kirk/Joe Team Open 170 61.26
Peter/Lucito Team PCC 64.92
Gary/Chris Team Open Shotgun 69.40
Brad Sweimler PCC 76.92
Joe Curtis PCC 83.41
Jeff Willi PCC 93.46
Paul Nowotarski PCC 94.98
Chris Webb PCC 95.71
Howard Thompson SA140 104.46
Joe Clark PCC 105.60
Linda/Scott Team Open 170 121.81
Chris/Jean Team Open 170 123.33
Phil Gray Open 170 124.53
Chris/Jean Team PCC 126.93
Bob Shaffer SA140 129.21
Robert Tumberlinson SA140 132.76
Jeff Patton PCC 135.14
Don/Derrick Team SA140 142.20
Tom Symonds SA140 144.19
Tom Symonds SA140 151.03
Phil Matte PCC 153.94
Brad Sweimler SA140 154.48
Jeff/Scott SA140 155.25
Tom Levenhagen PCC 164.77
Ed Heckman PCC 167.67
Joe Curtis SA140 181.48
Dave Williams SA140 182.45
Derrick/Pete Team SA140 190.63
Bill/Rob Team SA140 200.31
Neil Scott Open Shotgun 217.24
Don Miller SA140 220.73
Neil Scott Open Auto 256.91
George Anderson SA 344.64
Mike Henry SA140 400.60
Owen Almony SA140 431.58
Ed Heckman Stock Auto 450.22


Anonymous said...

That was a blast today! Lots of fun!

Ed Heckman said...

Correction: the division for that last entry should be “Stock Auto”.

Thanks for organizing this. It was a great learning experience.

Anonymous said...

These are the great blogs; I assure you that I really enjoyed a lot in reading.