We will be hosting a Falling Steel match Sunday, April 7th, at 9:00 am.
This match is very much like the PSA Shootout coming up at the end of this month. Expect 120-130 pieces of steel on 4 stages. The stages are 28 - 33 rounds of steel each. Entry fee is $20. The biggest difference is that we have some additional divisions where you can load your mags up, and we allow PCCs.
PSA Shootout rules are available at http://www.psashootout.com/docs/flyer.pdf
This is a centerfire only event, and acceptable calibers include 9mm, 40S&W, and 45 acp, as well as most standard non-magnum pistol calibers. No ammo in excess of 1350fps. If you want to shoot something different please ask when you sign up.
Divisions will include:
- Stock Auto (like PSA with 10 round mag restriction)
- Stock Auto 140 (like USPSA and 3 Gun you can load them up)
- Open Auto (like PSA with 10 round mag restriction)
- Open Auto 170 (like USPSA and 3 Gun you can load them up)
- Stock Revolver (PSA rules)
- Open Revolver (PSA rules)
- PCC - no mag or sight restrictions at all
- No shotgun or teams this time. Probably next time.
You may sign up now at yorksignup@gmail.com now. Email division and squad requests. You should receive a confirmation within a day or two.
We will take a limited number of shooters. This match will be fast. We will start registration at 8:30 am, be shooting by 9:00 am and be done before lunchtime.