Sunday, April 25, 2021

April 25th Falling Steel Results

 Here are the results from today's Falling Steel match.  We will be having another one next Sunday, May 2nd.  The stages will have some slight changes and the carbine distances may be a little farther but expect the same round count, and all other details to remain the same. We hope to see you there.

Paul Nowotarski OA170 139.39
Nancy Webb OA170 143.52
Justin Owens OA170 303.78
Paul Nowotarski PCC 80.67
Dave Williams PCC 121.58
Joe Clark PCC 123.94
Amy Clayton PCC 187.43
Chris Webb SA140 89.48
Gary Swope SA140 138.87
Dave Olmstead SA140 299.03
Chris and Jason Team PCC 44.02
Howard and Josh Team PCC 48.37
Rod and Greg Team PCC 49.58
Harley and Frank Team PCC 71.24
Don and Heather Team PCC 120.10
Jimmy and Toni Team PCC 159.04

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