Sunday, April 5, 2009

April USPSA matches

A heads up for the blog faithful.

On Saturday, April 11th (the day before Easter) we be hosting 2 USPSA matches at York Izaak Walton. We expect them both to fill up quickly. You may sign up for either or both by emailing with which match, or matches, you want to shoot, your name, USPSA #, division for either or both matches, and squadding preferences. If you are only shooting one of the matches be sure to specify whether you would like to shoot at 9:00am or 1:00pm.

You should get an email confirming your successful sign-up within a day or two if you're in.

We will be hosting a 5 stage pistol match (no classifier) with about 120 rounds minimum required. Match fee will be $20.

We will also be hosting a 3 stage rifle match with about 85 rounds minimum required. Match fee will be $20. Rifle divisions we will recognize include Open, Limited (no optics), Tactical (one optic, no bipod, no outrageous comps, etc) and Heavy Metal (308 & 30-06, with no optics etc) If there are 5 or more in division winner gets paid. We also pay winners of classes using pistol classifications. Do not bring any steel core or armor piercing ammo. We will be shooting steel.

Set up and registration will start at 8:00am. Your help is appreciated.
Registration closes at 8:30am
AM shooting begins at 9:00am

Registration for pm squads begins at 12:00pm
Registration for pm squads closes at 12:30pm
Pm Squads begin shooting at 1:00pm (earlier if possible)

Food and drink will be available for purchase.

Please drive slowly on our lane when entering and leaving.

Thanks, H-

1 comment:

Patrick Cronin said...

Howard/Dave and stats staff,

I wanted to thank you for your time scoring this match with the adverse conditions. I know the rain was a problem for the shooters, but a bigger one for keeping the score sheets dry. Stats is a thankless job, so I wanted to say thank you to the stats crew.

Pat Cronin