Friday, August 7, 2009

Items up for auction at match Sunday

There are a few prizes that were no awarded at our PA State Steel Challenge match last month. Door prizes were randomly assigned before the match and as it happened some of the shooters who won did not show up. Match Director Kirk and I decided the only fair thing to do was to bring them to the next match and auction them off. So at the lunch break between am and pm squads we will have a brief auction. Bring a few extra dollars.

The items are:

- A black Camelback Motherlode hydration pack, with an MSRP of $210.
- 2 $200 certificates for Sport Shooters Training. These will be auctioned seperately.
- 1 $50 cetificate for final value fees at Sonny Boy Auctions
- A Nevco targets Portapopper with stand. This thing is reall cool and has an MSRP of $140.
- A 3 pack of Nevco Targets folding target stands. Very well made.

If you won't be at match but want to make an offer you can email me at with your instructions. Include how you want me to get them to you. (shipping etc)

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