Thursday, March 22, 2012

FNH Multigun staff application

The application for FULL TIME STAFF only is now available. I am the AMD and I will be handling the staffing for Larry. If you want a staff application email me at

The staff package is incredible:
- We do collect the $285 entry fee, but at the end of the match we refund the full amount if you fulfill your obligation.
- You are guaranteed a slot in the match (they will be at a premium)and you shoot the whole match for prizes. We had a $300,00 prize table last year (over 100 guns)and we intend to do better this year.
- We pay half hotel room for the entire time, so if you share a room it's free. Tuesday through Saturday night.
- Food money for the match days.
- Per diem on the Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday before if you're there to help set up.
- First class staff appreciation dinner Friday night
- An unbelievable staff drawing. Last year we gave away a SCAR, an AR, 2 FN pistols, and a custom SBR upper, in addition to a prize for every member of staff ranging from $100 to $300 in value this year will probably be even better.

We had a fantastic staff last year. Most of those guys and gals will be returning and we are adding even more. We are making several changes to the staff shooting and working schedules so everyone will have a more relaxed, enjoyable, and competitive shooting and working experience. If you've never worked for Larry and/or I you don't know how well staff can be treated. We are both driven type A personalites and we aim to run the best match in the country. For both our shooters and staff. Why not be both?

We will need people of all skill levels from RMs and CROs to ROs and people to help with scoresheets, and resetting. We want the best staff available, but don't think that you have nothing to contribute.

What we're asking for from you:
- Staff will be needed from 7:00am Wednesday, September 18th until noon on Sunday, September 23rd.
- The majority of staff will shoot in a single day on Wenesday the 18th of September. They will then work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday while the competitors shoot.
- Saturday PM wil be the banquet with prize distribution.
- Sunday AM we'll tear the match down and load it into the FNH trailers. We should be on the road by noon at latest.

Please keep in mind this early application is for FULL TIME STAFF only. Staff applicants who do not show up to work, but show up to shoot will be removed from the match and their entry will not be refunded.

Competitor-only Applications will be posted sometime in April and will be accepted beginning May 1st.

Thanks, Howard

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