Friday, September 7, 2018

PA State Falling Steel Championship

On September 29th and 30th Izaak Walton will be hosting the first PA State Falling Steel Championship.    This match will consist of 6 stages of steel targets that must fall to score.  Each stage will have 25-35 targets and the shooter, or shooters, will have 60 seconds to knock down all that they can.  I say shooters, because it is possible to shoot this as a two person team, with both shooters attacking the same array simultaneously.

The cost is $30 per time slot and you may shoot as many time slots as you like, but only once per time slot.  You may even reenter in the same division more than once if you like.  The cost is the same for a team as it is for an individual, so that's only $15 per person.

We've done these type of falling steel matches for a couple of years now and they are fast and fun.  There is no movement allowed and no holsters.  A minimal amount of equipment is required.  To increase your speed and have even more fun find a partner and shoot as a team.  It is a crazy good time.

This is a great match to shoot with your kid, spouse, or non-competitive shooter as a teammate, but it's fun for singles too.  There won't be any type of payout so what difference does it make?  Just be safe and have a good time.  That's how and why we keep the entry fee low.

We have 2 new divisions for this match.  TO Shooter's Choice and Open Shooter's Choice.  These divisions allow you to pick which type of firearm you (and your teammate if applicable) shoot on each stage.  Maybe a shotgun or two is better on one stage, where a PCC is better on another.  Mix and match til your hearts content.

All of the old divisions still exist including the 10 round divisions that the PSA uses.  We have several more which allow you to shoot faster including the very popular PCC.

Another new feature for this year is to pay using PayPal (as a personal payment please) and email us your application.  Mail and checks seem to be coming obsolete, but we still take those too if that's your thing.

The application and rules are available at

We will take a limited number of shooters so don't hesitate to get your application in as soon as possible.

We hope to see you there, Howard

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