Monday, January 14, 2019

2019 Point Series hosted by York IWLA #67

One spot left. who's it going to be?

The entry fee for the Point Series will be $100, and does not include any entries to individual matches. Only finishes in Tac-ops and Limited will earn points for the series.  The prize table will be for everyone in the Point Series in the order of finish.  If you can’t be there someone will be allowed to pick for you. 

The top 16 Point Series finishers will be invited to take part in the Shoot-Off, as will the top 2 Seniors, Super Seniors, Ladies, and Juniors. Shoot-Off prizes will be cash.  The payout structure will be the same as last year for the shoot-off. 

We've heard back from some sponsors and the list is growing every week.  Wolf Vs. Goat has agreed to be a match sponsor again and donate the series shirts again this year. (those of you that have them know how nice they are.)

Dates for Point Series matches:
April 14th
May 19th
June 8th and 9th Invictus Practical MAMGC (signup will open soon)
July 14th
August 11th
September 8th
All matches are worth 70 points except for the Invictus Practical MAMGC which is worth 75 points.

Your best 4 of 6 matches count.

The prize table and shoot-offs are October 6th. 
The Shoot off payouts are:
1st $1,000  
2nd $600 
3rd & 4th $300 
5th-8th $100
The Point Series and Shoot-Off are to be 100% payback.  We won’t keep any of this money for the club.

To sign up for the point series send me a email to with the following information:
· Name
· Class- Senior(55), Super Senior(65), Junior(<18) and or Lady  (all ages on or before April 14th)
· Shirt size
· Email (if different than the one you are responding from) 
· Method of payment- PayPal or Check

There will be 2 ways to pay for the point series this year. 

1st and preferred.
You can send payment by PayPal to If you choose this method please send it gift (friends and family)  That way they don't take a fee and we have the full $100 to put in the pot. If I haven't received payment by 1/18/19 your will forfeit your spot to someone on the waiting list. 

You can send payment by check. 
Make payable to   York Izaak Walton #67   Include a note of who the payment is for. If I don't receive your check by the 1/31/19 you will forfeit your spot to someone on the waiting list.

Mail Check to:

Buddy Knight
22 Jonquil Rd
Delta, PA 17314

100% up to 2/28/19
50% up to 3/31/19
No refunds after 4/1/19


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