Monday, January 27, 2020

February Long Range Egg Shoot

On Sunday, February 2nd we will be hosting a Long Range Egg Shoot.  This is the one on the rifle range where you use a 22lr to shoot egg size, and shaped steel at 50. 75, 100 and 125 yards from the benches.

This year when you will sign up for a specific time, between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm and you will be expected to be there 20 minutes before your start time to prep your gear, and check in.  The match fee is $20.  At your designated time you will shoot 50 yards.  10 minutes later you will shoot 75 yards, and so on.  So theoretically you may be on the range for as little as 40 minutes.  Of course you're welcome to come earlier, and stay as long as you want to watch, but if it is cold you won't have to suffer as long.  That being said we will need spotters so everyone can't just shoot and scoot.  Plan on helping a little if you don't mind.

If the weather is extremely cold or treacherous I will cancel the match well ahead of time, but because everyone has a scheduled time being a no show or late has no remedy and will be frowned upon.

I have a two page document with some tips for beginners that may be of interest to you.  If you'd like a copy of that, and/or you'd like to sign up email me at

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