Friday, August 14, 2009

Top ten reasons to shoot the fun shoot next weekend

10. Gary and Mark put on a first class show

9. Izaak Walton is beautiful this time of year.

8. Gunfire is a joyful noise.

7. You've already got the guns and ammo. You might as well use them.

6. It's cheap.

5. Shooting cans, claybirds, and steel is really fun.

4. Big Trophies.

3. Good Hot Dogs.

2. There are no other matches that day.

1. I've seen you shoot. You need the accuracy work.


Anonymous said...

noticed the date of the last fun shoot is sept. 26...on the pistol website the date is the the 26 the correct date?

Steve M

gary said...

Sept 19 is indeed the correct date, it has been moved to accomidate the IWLA outdoor show thing. It will involve a special guest MD, but that is a secret to be revealed next month....Oops...
