Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stage break-down, advanced skills class

Greg and I will be teaching a Stage break-down, advanced skills class on Monday, March 28th. This class will be taught on a Monday, so we can use the stages from the match the day before. The fee will be $150 and is limited to 6 people.

For more information go to

Friday, February 25, 2011

April 3rd, 3 Man 3 Gun

There are still slots available for the York Spring 3 man 3 gun. If you have a team get your app in the mail asap. If you don't have a team, but would like to shoot contact me. There are currently 2 teams looking for a 3rd man. You don't want to miss this match.

Link to application

Monday, February 21, 2011

The return of Souther Chester Practical Shooters

I had some inside information on this a while ago, but it is official now. Southern Chester practical shooters will be shooting this year! SC is out closest club and everyone here at York should be ecstatic at this news. Thanks Graham Smith for stepping up.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 man 3 gun stages

The stages for our April 3rd 3M3G are available now. Use them wisely to come up with a strategy for each stage before match day. Each team may make it's own shooter assignments this match (no cards), but to keep things interesting every shooter will have to use both pistol and shotgun once each minimum, and rifle at least twice. This will cut down on specialization and ensure each team member has a fairly complete set of skills.

Link to stages

As of today there are still plenty of slots available for this match, though the apps are coming in regularly. I also have one team in need of a third member. Email me at if you would like me to contact them.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stake shoot

Great weather, great comraderie, and a great waste of ammunition. I think that pretty well sums up today. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves as we took on the 2x4 army. 30 people showed up and we shot thousands of rounds as we worked our way through a double elimination bracket tournament where 4 man teams went head to head against each other to break their board in half with pistol fire before the oppostion. In about an hour it came down to two teams. Bernie, Ben, Logan, and Robert out of the losers bracket versus Brian, Jim, Greg, and Howard. The challengers who had fought through the losers bracket bested the winners bracket champs not once, but twice to claim the victory.Here is a freak photo of one of the stakes falling to the ground still in mid air. Notice the snow being kicked up to the right side of the photo where the bullets were impacting after passing through the other teams stake.
To see video of the final round follow this link Stake Shoot Video

Thursday, February 10, 2011

PA state steel challenge

The application for the PA State Steel Challenge is now available at This will be the 3rd year we've held this match and it known for going smoothly and paying well. The dates for this year's PASSC will be July 9th and 10th. The two changes we will make this year include using pit 8 instead of having 2 stages on the rifle range, and paying classes within each division (based on participation). Both should add value to the match, but the entry fee remains the same.

We will assign shooters classes based on USPSA class, and performance at this and past Steel Challenge matches at York. All shooters will be assigned a classification which allows them a chance to win additional cash prizes. We will continue to pay division winners as well. We will pay out 50%, so there will likely be $4000.00 or more up for grabs.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spring 3 man 3 gun

We finally got a date set for the Spring 3 man 3 gun. It's not perfect (there's a conflict with Fredericksburg's monthly USPSA match) but it's the best we could do. There's just so much going on at York Izaak Walton in the spring.

That date will be Sunday, April 3rd. Applications are available at and you can type right onto the pdf. Then just print it and mail it and your check as instructed on the form. Slots will be extremely limited for this match and we expect it to fill quickly. Don't hesitate to get your team together and get your stuf in the mail.

We are also going to publish the stages ahead of time to allow you to strategize if you like. They should be up in a day or two.

This match will be a great warm-up for Topton's 3 man 3 gun in June. I hear there are still a couple slots left for that, but you better hurry.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

USPSA mailing list

I just sent out an invite for the stake shoot to everyone on the USPSA mailing list (from "Thompson Family"). Earlier in the evening Gary sent one out to the Fun Shoot mailing list(from "Gary Swope"). If you should be getting invites from one or both of us but didn't receive one contact whichever of us is appropriate and let us know. Lists get currupted, people change email addresses, we make mistakes, all kinds of things can happen just notify us and we'll fix it.

Howard=USPSA invites
Gary=Fun Shoot invites

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 13th Stake Shoot

It's a litle early to announce our next shoot, but this weather has me down and I want to shoot so bad I'm going to tell you about it anyway.

On February 13th the York Izaak Walton will host a stake shoot. This event will cost $10 per shooter, $5 for juniors. It will be a centerfire pistol only shoot and holsters and mag pouches will not be required if the weather is below 40 degrees. If it is cold, and it likely will be, we'll shoot from low ready and do our reloads off the table. Bring plenty of mags. 4 to 6 would probably be good.

There will be no prizes for this shoot. It will be just an excuse to get out and blow the rust out of our guns. Here's how it works: Show up BEFORE 11:00am. We'll figure out a pretty fair way (I have something in mind)to draw 3 or 4 man teams (depends on how many guys we have)then we will shoot 2x4 posts in half. 2 or 3 teams at a time. Fastest team to cut their post in half wins and moves on towards the finals, and we'll do it again. We'll be using a double elimination bracket or something so you can't get eliminated after shooting just once. In fact we'll probably redraw teams and do it again. We're going to make sure everyone gets plenty of shooting in. You should bring plenty of ammo. I would think 150 would be the minimum. 400 might not be too many if you play more than once.

If you've never done a stake shoot you can't imagine how much fun it is, and how quickly you can blow through a box of ammo.

This is a great shoot for the unexperienced competitor too. it is not necessary to have a safety check for this shoot and we will be performing safety checks for future USPSA matches on this day. If you need a safety check bring holsters and mag pouches no matter how cold. We'll keep it brief.

There is no advance sign up for this shoot. Just be sure to be at the range BEFORE 11:00am.