Sunday, June 24, 2012

June Funshoot results

Thanks for coming out.  We had 50 plus shooters, including a few newbees.  welcome to all.
Results are in, and as always, for an questions, comments, complaints or suggestions, drop me a  line at

Centerfire Iron Rimfire Iron
Dave C 708 Bill Stone 608
Conner S 652 David B 262
Marty K 554
Bernie F 527 Rimfire Iron timed
Ted B 507 time stage 2
Walt B 505 Mary H 207.28 105
Coleen W 488 Paul K 354.69 86
Laurie B 378
Julie K 90 Rimfire Scoped
Centerfire Iron Timed Craig S 627
time stage 2 Gabriel D 454
Robert G 140.37 110
Rick S 162.11 101 RImFire Scoped Timed
Ian P 181.16 88 time stage 2
Roger P 216.43 113 Robert T 106.47 36
George S 238.04 86
Rick V 258.26 65 Pistol / shotgun points
Jack U 268.48 74
Rob S 283.29 80 Tom L 806
Phil M 301.06 89 Joseph W 546
Lee H 301.35 88
Dennis B 317.49 103 Pistol / Shotgun Timed
time stage 2
Centerfire Scoped Pistol Timed Buddy K 97.84 103
time stage 2 George D 156.59 90
Jim H 161.35 115 Paul S 167.42 99
Allen E 187.08 85
Paul K 192.28 103

1 comment:

Gary S said...

And lets not forget a very impressive score of 799 by Robert P, sporting an iron sighted revolver.

No I didn't forget, just testing....
