Monday, June 18, 2012

June Funshoot

This Saturday, June 23 rd, York Pistol will be hosting our monthly FunShoot.

Consisting of just under 100 rounds (Minimum). This shoot will be open to all standard pistol caliber handguns and carbines, with a modified class for auto loading and pump shotguns (bring along a few slugs....).

This month we will be returning to our roots a bit, and our targets will be steel, PPC, a  little moving USPSA action (by shooter request!), things close and far away, and a new non food item in pit 8.

To get things moving faster and hopefully get everyone on the road by 12-1 o'clock, we will only accept 50 shooters maximum.  There will be 7 gun divisions: Rimfire Handgun, Centerfire Handgun, Handgun Caliber Carbine, each in scoped and iron sighted, and Shotgun.

There will be 3 scoring classes;
"Points", where you will be scored by total points in an exact round class, or
"Timed", where you will be scored based on the quickest overall time to smash all targets, regardless of the number of rounds used, or
"I don't care", where you don't turn in a score sheet and you are shooting just for fun pretty much however you want, under the watchful eye of  your Range Officer.

Registration will start round 8am, shooter brief 'bout 8:45 and shootin 'bout 9am.
There will not be food or drinks for sale.

Remember, York is a cold range, please have all firearms unloaded and secured when you arrive at the range, including CC permit holders.  Handle firearms only after you register, and only at the safe tables and under direction of a range officer. I want everyone to go home safe.

Pre-register now at, while not mandatory, it is extreemly helpful to me, especially if you wish to be squadded with your buddies.


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