Friday, February 22, 2013

Spring 3 Man 3 Gun

We are now taking applications for the Spring 3 Man 3 gun at York Izaak Walton.  This match will be held on Sunday, April 14th and is always a crowd pleaser.  Find a couple buddies and get your application in the mail.  It will fill up fast.

Link to our application  Print it, fill it out and mail it in with your check.  All teams must be paid in advance.  Note that if you want to play for cash prizes you must include an additional $90 for that.  This is not winner take all.  We pay back 100% of the additional money and it goes deep.

I also know that Dean is taking applications for his Colt Team 3 gun series.  It costs a little more but he has a ton of prizes to give away. Here's a link to his page

If you're not sure what 3M3G or team 3 gun is check out youtube.  There's a ton of videos.  Search for York 3M3G or Colt series team shoot, or some combinations of those terms.  I don't think you can have more fun shooting than 3M3G.


Jlerch said...
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Anonymous said...

I have a stupid question. On the Match application, it says you recognize 3 divisions: Tactical, Limited and Open.

But the FNH 3 gun rules you say you follow has 5 divisions: Open, Tactical Scope, Tactical Limited, Heavy Metals Scope, and Heavy Metal Limited.

Is the "Tactical" Division for the April Match the same as FNH "Tactical Scope" (or "Tactical Limited" or something else)? Is "Limited" the same as "Tactical Limited"?



Pistol Committee Chairman - Don Miller II said...

FNH and most of our regular matches will allow 5 divisions or more. For Team 3 gun we do not.

Tactical = Tac Ops
Limited = Tac Lim
Open = Open

By default HM guns do fall into one of the above divisions.