Thursday, April 25, 2013

June Multi-gun at York Izaak Walton

Here is the link to the June Multi-gun application.  It will fill quickly.  Get yours in the mail asap.  We will only take a limited number of shooters and applications are already pouring in.

A couple questions that have come up already:

1. Can we shoot in a single day?  Yes, either Saturday or Sunday. 

2. Should we enclose a check with our entry fee if we plan on working the match?  Yes, everyone pays full price up front, even if they plan on working.

3. What if we want to help?   We'd love to have your help.  The plan is that we will all work one day and shoot the other.   Twp staff per stage if possible.  When you shoot you shouldn't have to worry about the match administration as well.  We will provide lunch to you on the day you shoot and reimburse you $60 for a full day of help, which coincidentally is the same amount as your entry fee.  I'll be in touch with your working and shooting schedule well ahead of time.

4. Will squad requests be honored?  As much as possible.  If I need you to shoot on another day I'll contact you and we'll work it out.  We can't all shoot on the same day.

5. Will Greg be shooting?  Yes, and Dean said he will be there, and probably some other great shooters too.  Classify yourselves accordingly.  But remember to aim high.  

6. How much money goes into the prize pool?  I'm figuring about $10 out of the $60 entry fee will go towards the prizes.  We're trying to keep entry fees very affordable, and still make some money for the club.  By the time you deduct the prize money, t-shirt cost, target cost, lunch, and staff reimbursement we should be able to make a modest profit and still be the most inexpensive multi-gun match around.

7. What if I don't own all three guns?  Then you better buy or borrow some.  You will need a centerfire rifle (223 or better), shotgun (20 ga or better) and handgun (9mm or better) that meet the rule requirements.

8. What rules will we use?  The same ones used at the 2013 FNH Championship.  Here's that link:

9. Will the stages be published ahead of time?  That is our intent.  They're not done yet.  I'll email them out to registered competitors and publish them on our blog when they are complete.

Email me if you have any questions, H-

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