Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 12th Action Match

Sorry the match is now full.  We will not be taking any more entries.

The long range forecast looks very favorable for Sunday, January 12th so we are moving forward with our plans at this point, subject to further review later in the week.   We will cancel if the forecast on Saturday calls for temperatures below 35 degrees or more than a 30% chance of precipitation, so don't worry about the weather being too bad.  We won't show up either.

The plan for this month, being winter and all, is rather simple.  We will host a 4-5 stage match entirely in the back pits.  The round count should be in the 120 rounds range.  This match will be all non-falling steel and thus will be very 22lr friendly.  We will allow the use of centerfire handguns or carbines in pistol calibers but would prefer you to use 22lr rifles or handguns if you have them.  Shotguns and rifles (in rifle calibers) will not be allowed this month. There will be no provision for using multiple guns.  Holsters will not be required for pistols.  There will also be minimal movement required.  This will be a perfect match to bring someone new to action shooting to.  The match fee will be $20 and there will be no payouts.  The match will start at noon and there is only one time slot.  We will limit the number of shooters and this match may fill rather quickly.

To sign up send your name, and anyone you wish to be squadded with to   You should receive a confirmation email within a day or two with more match details.

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