Saturday, January 16, 2010

Funshoot fun!

Welcome to the 2010 season, this year is planning out to be our best and most exciting yet, stay tuned!

The long range forecast looks good, so the funshoot for next Saturday the 23rd is a go.

Many thanks to the hardworking setup crew that showed today, the 3 of us got a lot done. The shoot will be about 1/2 steel. The rest will be the usual variety of stuff, but for a very evil mover we have never used before.

Round count will be between 50 and 100, and this month is open to pistol caliber carbines.

The schedule is like this, I'm starting a little later, to let the sun do a little more warming
9:00 setup
10:00 registration
10:45 walkthru
11:00 noise

There will be food and drink for purchase.

As always, we run a cold range, please review the range safety rules at

For more info, read the sidebar on the right hand side of this page.
For even more info, drop me a line at

See you Saturday.

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