Sunday, March 10, 2013

March Action Match Results Posted

York - March Action Match Results:

1st Place  - Kirk McWilliams     48.93
2nd Place - Mike Stephens        55.11
3rd Place - Howard Thompson  55.71

See you next month!


Jlerch said...

While he didn't go for the money - Kevin Downing --BLAZING FAST --- 9.04 on pit 7! Congrats -- You smoked it!!! In fact you were faster with 3 guns than the people only shooting 1!!!

Kevin Downing said...

John that was on my runs that didnt count towards money and I'm pretty sure that the shot count was not checked on that run.... Probably didnt pick up my 22lr as my last gun

Jlerch said...

Ok, FINE... I got all excited about nothing. I guess we will need to give credit where it is due.

Congrats! Kirk, Mike and Howard. Thank you again for the new shooting platform.