Friday, July 24, 2009

3 man team 3 gun

1. We will not have food this match. We're tired of messing with it and because this is a special match, and should be short, we didn't make any. Please bring a sandwich or something if you think you'll need it. We will have drinks available.

2. Drive slowly on the way in and out.

3. The match fee is $20 per person, and there will be no discounts this month (except juniors).

4. Set-up begins at 8:30am. Please come early and help if you can. We'll start registration when set-up is complete, and start shooting when registration is complete, hopefully around 10:00am.

5. There are still some spare shooters I haven't put on teams yet. If you're one of them don't panic. You will get to shoot.

6. If one or even both of your team members cancel still come to shoot. We'll get you fixed up with new shooters.

7. Bring some extra ammo. In some instances we could end up a team member short and we'll look for volunteers to shoot on a second team (as well as your original team) There won't be any charge if you get to shoot twice, but you'll need more ammo. More shooting is a good thing is it not?

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