Thursday, July 2, 2009

Steel Challenge tip

Ben and I have been practicing for the PA State Steel Challenge, and although I don't know a lot about it I have found this out: You can't afford to miss. Missing and making up shots takes a lot of time. If your time between shots on ost steel challenge courses are around a half second you're doing a pretty good job. But, if you miss one time, that adds 1/2 second to your time because of the make up shot. You would be better off spending a 1/4 second longer getting a better grip and even .05 longer per shot. Not to mention the fact that on average you would have far fewer misses.

Aim for a particular spot on each plate, follow through just an instant, call the shot as you're moving on to the next plate, and repeat. If you call a miss, then finish the shot you're working on then go back.

I think this is going to be a lot of fun, and very educational.

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