Saturday, July 25, 2009

Funshoot sucess

What a good day. The few changes we made, resulted in a huge success, by all accounts. We finished up about 1:00p, and I believe most folks left the range with a smile, regardless of their performance. I think we are on to something. If you missed out today, I'm sorry, it was a lot of fun, few backups, fast moving and simple targeting; pictures of critters, who would have thunk?

Next month is the Team Trophy shoot.

In the mean time, 3 man, 3 gun Team tomorrow, if you aren't shooting it, come out and watch a while, it is a real rush, you'll want to do it next year....


gary said...

Check out for videos I shot of the carbine team, and team Kim.

James Fort said...

For the team fun shoot what is needed as to amount of persons per team and what kind of firearms?