Sunday, March 17, 2013

March FunShoot

Team York announces its March FunShoot.

For the record, we is full, a little over, actually.....  Thanks folks.

This month I will return to a more familiar format, with 7 stages of fun, from field of steel, choose your own, bulls eye, stationary and moving galleries, far away stuff (35 yds), and of course, a food of the month.
We will be open to most any combination of guns you can think of, standard pistol caliber pistols, pistol caliber carbines and shotguns, either alone, or in any combination.  Scoring is points, time or IDC.
Skills needed? All we ask is that you are safe when the gun goes bang and when you handle it, everything else is workable, we have challenges for the novice to the pro, variations are almost endless, all you have to do is ask.

Setup is complete, so registration starts at 9:00 am, brief by 9:45, shooting by 10:00ish.

Round count is kinda vague, there are about 90 targets out there, and it all depends on how you intend to engage them, if you are bringing more than one gun, I would bring 50 rounds for each gun, if you are shooting only 1 gun, bring 100. Of course if you only want to shoot one box of 50, then by all means, pick 50 targets from those I offer, and engage them at will.
For shotgunners, there are 2 slug targets at about 35 yards, please NO MAGNUM SLUGS, only reduced recoil slugs allowed at that short range, it helps preserve our steel.

Fees are $15 or adults, $5 for under 18.  No food or drinks will be available, so please be sure to bring your own.

We will have reduced recoil slugs and a  9mm, ammo for sale. Please, this is intended for the ammo challenged, so that they might be able to shoot, if you are a hoarder. please bring your own.

Signup is at  We will be accepting 60 shooters.

Remember, York is a cold range, please have all firearms unloaded and secured when you arrive at the range, including CC permit holders.  Handle firearms only after you register, and only at the safe tables or under direction of a range officer.


Paul said...

The 4 stages I saw in the back pits are all very cool stages with 1 stage that is just off the hook cool........
Looks like another great funshoot is in store.........

Gary S said...


Wait 'til you see what a mess we will make in 8......

Kevin Downing said...

Should we bring scuba gear for 8? Lol